

UPPROP                    HISTORIK                    TORTYR                    ENGLISH


Restore Sweden’s Independence and Integrity
Protect Julian Assange and Freedom of Expression

Resurser Resources

De etablerade svenska mediernas bevakning och icke-bevakning av Assange-fallet har varit under all kritik; se t.ex. ”Prof. Melzer and the media” i de engelska referenserna härnedan. Man får således leta i s.k. alternativa medier efter värdefull information, till exempel:

Protokollen från polisförhören 2010
Oumbärlig läsning för alla som vill förstå anklagelserna mot Julian Assange (Pdf)

Flera artiklar om Assange-fallet


Julian Assange — en svensk rättsskanda

Flashback — trenterx
Flashback är ett webbaserat diskussionsforum vars tråd om Assange-fallet har fått mycket kritik för dumhet, osaklighet m.m. De flesta inläggen är ju värdelösa eller värre. Men de innehåller ofta tips om intressanta informationskällor, och vissa deltagare är rätt kunniga och sansade — i synnerhet denna med öknamnet “trenterx”.


English-language sources

UN expert says "collective persecution" of Julian Assange must end now
News release on the findings of rapporteur Nils Melzer that are cited in the appeal

Prof. Melzer and the media
Correspondence relating to the media blackout of Melzer’s judgement on the persecution of Julian Assange by a conspiracy of four countries, including Sweden

Assange & Sweden
A variety of information on the Assange case since it was contrived in 2010

Julian Assange vs. USA and accomplices: 1 January – 24 March 2020

A collection of news reports and other information concerning the persecution of Julian Assange by the government of the United States and its accomplices in the United Kingdom, Sweden and Ecuador.

Police Interview Protocols
Protocols of the original interviews conducted by Swedish police. Essential reading for anyone who truly wishes to understand the nature of the charges against Assange.

Defend WikiLeaks

Justice for Assange

The Canary
British news site that has lately been providing valuable coverage of the Assange case

Craig Murray’s blog
Murray is an incisive former British ambassador who writes frequently on the Assange case

Democracy Now!
Frequent interviews concerning Assange and related matters

Consortium News
U.S. news site with well-informed coverage of the Assange case

Caitlin Johnstone
Australian blogger who writes well and often on the Assange case
Russian news site that is accused of being a Kremlin mouthpiece but claims it is no different than BBC or NPR

30 June 2019

